What is Erotic Ballet?

Ballet is a specialized  Dance Art based on Classical Ballet technique and Dans under auspices by a Classic Conductor. There are Magnified Composers that have written some special notes to it. 

Ballet is more ecstatic than for example the Opera. Both have common sense on their Performance.  The third party is the Classic Orchestra that provides Music to the Performers on Stage and in the Theatres. 

How hard could it be to learn some notes to it? 

Erotic ballet-affirming surgery beyond the sexual attraction, describes a variety of surgical ballet procedures that altering a more a deeper meaning of sexuality into the body of geography, on his diagonal strait forward lines. 

Physical traits and more comfortable and affirming purposes. For each individual, decent open splits by affection to the dancer's fondness and their infatuation performance on stage. Each character with a unique open free minded identity for more appropriated enchantments on their sexual body attraction of the intimated body language on standings.

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