The Depth of Your Love

Strength Of Your Yearning

Until I' met you, 

I' was waiting for a woman with whom I' could open completely. I' wanted a woman who would not settle for less than love's fullness, from me or from her. And if I did settle for less, I' wanted a woman who would let me know. 

But I' have grown in my capacity to open to God, and I' want to open with you, now, dear lover. I am ready for your trust. I commit to trusting the depth of your love, even though I' know that sometimes you will close. Still, I' trust the depth of your love. 

I' trust your commitment to love. And I' want you to trust mine. I' need your heart's sensitive response So I' can navigate our opening together with your heart's intuition. I' also need commitment and capacity to navigate our hearts open to God. 

If you don't trust my navigation, I'd rather you weren't with me. I'd rather that you could genuinely were with another man who you genuinely trust to open you. I' don't want to suffer your mistrust—I'd rather be alone, or with a woman who inspired and trusted my capacity to lead our ballet dance open in bliss. I' want to be with a woman who trusts me enough to surrender open to God with me.

If you don't trust my capacity to navigate us open in communion with your heart, then leave me, and find a man worthy of your trust. But if I do open you more deeply than you have opened yourself, then give yourself to me, entrust your heart to me, so I may open my hesitancy by the depth of your love and the strength of your yearning. 

©® @ David Deida 

A deep relationship of intimate communion takes you more open than you could go on your own. If your man isn't capable of commanding you open in blissful and ever deeper surrender, why did you choose him? 

The chorale became not appeared as a hymn in German hymnals and in several translations in English hymnals, starting with How bright appears the
Morning Star, by John Christian Jacobi, in his Psalmodica Germanica, 1722, p. 90. 

Additional hymns were written on the same tune such the hymn for Pentecost "O Heilger Geist, kehr bei uns ein" (1640) (not used by J.S. Bach in his vocal works) by Michael Schirmer (1640).

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