Larry the Cat,
Kamala: Speaking truth, demands Justice

My dear follow friends, 

around the press corners of your news desks. 

Knick-Knacks on the Press 

As you may know, as it may be, but I have written reparable, around so much of your desks, the last decade already. From beginning of my Journey, once it was started on the spring of 2014. All the way down to the drains of today. As we all already witness, we stand now in front of the doorstep, 

  1. 6 The Truth we Hold

Sometimes to the max, but never above my limit. Commonly broadly, sometimes chiefly. Mostly on a large scale overall predominant, primarily. As you all know very well, aim Head of the Federal State of Zederlardz. Regarding my work from the last decade. 

  1. 2 The Withheld

That shape of criticism started already in the 1990s when a became writing on a humorously ridiculed Anathema to the Dutch football press in my period on the days myself was running the official supporting website of the Dutch football club Vitesse, over here in Arnhem.

A certainly that already started on the last century from a kind of idealism to counterbalance the range of columns and news, to convert widely to the ball in a basket in the Dutch football press. A cross passed over, to colleagues on the other side of the football pitch in Gelredome, Arnhem.

As you may know, multiplication is, almost one every news desk, a pile of quantity. As gathering and collecting news is a process of assembling accessions, by reorganising of information in our newsrooms, so that they are processed in contiguous blocks.

The outcome of this substance of matter, becomes at the end of the day then finally distributed, across multiple newspapers and or magazines. Often the news reach out to TV broadcast and other related services to the public we have to serve. Most of the time People who work inside the Press pools, have a well deserved accretion. 

  1. 2 Press Accretion

As a newspaper, you are there for the reader, to interpret the world around us, mostly as an independent organisation that have on purpose, to control thy powers, by questions and transmission your own investigation and his outcome as soon as possible. What else are you doing with your well deserved accretion?

    1. 4. Proud on your self, Son? 
    2. 2. Information withheld
    3. 5. Reader to access
    4. 4. Copy of the withheld

Admittedly, I have no Journalism training whatsoever, so if you'll excuse me, your newspaper probably has a sideline to put your comments there, but don't expect this anecdote to do all the work for you. Writing is and will always remain a profession in its own right, especially in the press. 

As we all know that quality journalism for with unbiased news and analysis around the world, must have a certain amount of Tlos and transparencies to the public. Not just what happened, but what it means.

Sharp insights and shrewd judgements from columnists, opinions of their own. Ed's and deep insides, interpretation and finger pointing. Including the whole package to the latest flash player on their publication transmission. Every day news stories you can't miss, all in one place. 

  1. 2 Isn't Press pool ? 

Now, my dear friends, I've been wondering for so long, why you turn on the presses when it comes to twisted news. As I have written before in my own op Ed, that aim being predominant, primarily. As you all now very well, aim Head of the Federal State of Zederlardz. Regarding my work from the last decade. Giving a strong slam and direction, to a new design to escape the past of horror.

I have heavily present on them on that summer in 2014, the first proposals to come forward with a new 'One World Government', with a new Federal State, inside and outside, by a new design form, for a complete new legislative body. That have the authority, to rule our sickened and wounded world. 

As aim, speaking here from my own work desk, the One Way Wind all Politicians have given on their main stages. All have committed united and approve, already in the summer of 2014 on my omnipresence on the highest stages behind closed bars. 

Larry the Cat:
Kamala: Speaking truth, demands Justice

The Truth We Hold
Knick-Knacks on the Press

Teachings in schools about life and death and other cruelties are marked, but not even halfway true. The truths we hold were a book of Kamala Harris, Although this ice cream can be found here on here shameless silence.

Diplomatic arraignments and occupation, during the first outcomes of my interrogation dialogues, on my Arnhem Yalta. Talks to the Security Chamber of the United Nations and with all Main Stage Politicians. Furthermore, too almost all of my dear beloved, but victimised Royal families, around the Globe. 

  1. 6 Between twisted news

There is so much ink been lost over the past decade, a well known primitive form of press knick-knacks without multiformity. As a kid I loved jigsaw puzzles and my Sister Magda from Joseph could have said: 'The smaller, the better.' 

People must be aware of our International law and their organisations with dedicated participation of all members of the UN and beyond, (established in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or World Court, states parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICCt). On the legal systems of nearly all countries, being modelled upon elements of five main types: civil law (including French law, the Napoleonic Code, Roman law, Roman-Dutch law, and Spanish law); common law. 

These twisted notifications add-on is now almost after a decade still only available for local club members, who can read besides the side-lines, featured with stained-glass from local dirty politicians
that paying off for their content. Not to the journalist's self, but more sophisticated to the owners of the Media outlets. Running by Capitalists and their private equity firms. 

  1. 5 Tlos, Empty Spaces

How in the name of  Tlos
is this possible? I have written some notes to it on the fields of engineering as being fruitfully to admitted Governance and our diplomatic missions. To connect the proper dots into the system, before the he'll breaks loose.

One thing is to know. All is empty spaces.
My spaces. When Each and all of you, should have studied the Bible then you must have now that God's anger and grace never could bypass, the guidelines of our own exciting. 

These guidelines are written inside the bible. This leads at the end to extinction. Book of Genesis. This leads also to press extinction, regarding them to the owners of the Media outlets. Running by Capitalists and their unhealthy private equity firms. 

All Democratic Nations with their own boundaries and entity's inside. All the House's of Parliaments echoes of exiting of the unhealthy private equity firms. Their face our boundaries.
Heavenly on his weight and must a Paradise for them. No recovery was possible by this Gnomalia Abolition of governing our new Zederlardz policy's rules.  

Actually this what I do, for practice to earn spaces, with substance of matter. As I have written already several other pieces and works on these subjects, actually for more than a decade, to the main frame of our govern substance. 

    1. 4. Skyfall
    2. 2. Information
    3. 5. Access
    4. 4. Withheld
    5. 2 Twisted
    6. 9 Withheld
    7. 8 Presspool
    8. 1 Launch

This letter to the Press pool was public and publish before already in the summer of 2023. No one in the press could say that there have not noticed this episode. That there is no letter in the press around my works, it is the  withheld  by  itself. 

What is a withheld?     

hold back; restrain or check. To refrain from giving or granting: During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence. On this case, the Politicians hold back the press, for holding back information about my work and writings for telling the truth; 'isolationism' witch Kamala was speaking about.  

The actually withheld ..

As it have no access yet to the public as much more other writings from me is also not free and is isolated heavy materials. One of the examples is my scripture SMS to the Pope. On which my life became isolated in the summer of 2012 already. 

Le Son dû Bureau
📩 Le Expériences dù Pensée

Heaven's Throne on Earth
The Shrew of Hattusa
SMS to The Pope 

Against all odds, no freedom of speech.

 HOME Larry, Q & M


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