Larry the Cat:
The Sins of the Jews

It's time that the world becomes governed by the people and for the people again, reasonable with decency. Not by those politicians that have governed the world only by rules to protect their own purposes, for the rich & the few, who run capitals, but not invest in human dignity. 

We should take up unequal to the task, that means either cannot or will not accomplish the end, and the whole affair is a felo de see. For as the greater weight will always carry up the less. 

About the affair Koffi Announcements, there is much more beneath the surface. Beneath the waves lies the governance control security, being a true design and end of governments, as we know now. It follows that whatever form thereof appears, most likely to ensure it to us the people we care and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others.

Absolute governments,
the disgrace of human nature, have this advantage with them, that they are most corrupted but simple. If the people suffer, they know the head from which their suffering springs. God likewise and remedy is not bewildered by a variety of causes and cures. 

caused by absolute governments, created its own misfortune, means for though neither might be mortal. Now we are on the brink of our own extinction. God has given us the possibility to disable them, in which light we acknowledge the term: 'perishable instead to die'.

It became a necessity to invent something that causes a gravitating power. Haven't said anything last week's about the force of the B-hion biotic papers. My scientific approach towards a mutated standard model. The Higgs particle collapse on the other side of the anti-particle. After the collapse of star's, life starts again. Most admit, this is a very shorty on the origin and rise of new created governance. 

Namely, a mode rendered necessary, by the inability of moral virtue to govern the world by new design based on dignity and memorial freedom and security. I drew my idea: 'One World Government', inside a new Global Federal State. On the spring of 2014 it became clear to me, that our system was imploded by their own mistakes. The world was overrun with tyranny, the last option from there, was trying to re-build something new and as an escape form, to overthrow corrupted Nations governments. 

Other than the impossible acting the United Nations ever could archive, it was noble for the dark and slavish times in which it was erected, but the handicap in their own construction 1946 was the unfairness of the Veto rights of the security council by insane superpowers.

     1 Samuel 19:3-10

And I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where thou art I will commune with my father of thee; 'What I see, that I will tell thee. 

Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father, and said unto him: Let not the king sin against his servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee, because his works have been to thee-ward very good. 

For he did, and he put his life in his hand and slew the Philistine, and the LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel and ASKED wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause? 

Saul hearkened unto the voice of Jonathan. As the LORD liveth, he shall not be slain. Jonathan called David, to all those things. Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he was in his presence, as in times past. 

David went out, and fought with the Philistines, and slew them with a great slaughter, they fled from him. The evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul. He sat in his house with his javelin in his hand. David played with his hand and wrote it into the wall that night. 

      The Walls of the World

The sun is only shining like it always does, But I never noticed it in the sky before.
I feel like I've known 
for a thousand years (a different song by Paloma Faith), Bring it out into the light, 'Cause I think I'm gonna write it on the walls of the world. So everyone will know, today, the love I hold for you; The Walls of the World 

Song by Katie Melua

Summer 2014 New World Order

On the way to the new world order, it became clear that the world was crumbled under the disgrace of human nature. If those Politicians really have designed (which is the case) their Barbaric legislative annuals, then the International Court of Justice would speak from Organised Crimes against humanity. 

  1. To their knowledge of convex lenses, 79. 
  2. The sinned acts on the untouched flower of the Virgin Mary

If thy have lost their reliable God frequencies, then it is written in the Bible, to overthrow the untruthfulness. These have ultimate led to the Arnhem Yalta 2014 conference, on which Bernhard have given the first annuals of a new World Order. 

After the debacles inside the Vatican and the disgrace of the Security Counsel of the United Nations, there was an open route, that have led where we stand today. A complete reshuffle of our rotten governance system. On which I have written to them all, the first annuals for a demand, to come to a new world order, together with new reconstructions for the United Nations.

As said before: 'God has given us the people, the possibility to disable them, in which light, we acknowledge him:
1. Corinthians 15:53.

Become perishable, instead to die

Both debacles, have a tremendous consequence and impact on the world. All Kingdoms with their constitutions and Nations, without a monarchy, and their constitutions and governments, from the West going down. 

The Bible is very clear, where it is stated that God have the strength and powers to send down his plagues up on them. And isn't that in the same Bible as we should have learnt, that it is our baker mat of our own right to exist? Presidents become sworn in on it. Kings to. All what we do, we always give our commitment to his commands. We are accountable exactly, to the unresistable high quality standards and values as stated in the Bible.  

The new One World Government perception is based on the approach by new design of a common political authority. Governance above all humanity at once, which ruled out country governance as the first line of responsibilities, by creating a new Federal State above all countries. A new Federal State demands, on the first line a new constructed governance on the new Federal State, we see the 'One World Government', members and on the second line. New Region Governance, a New United Nations template appeal and their invitation within reconstructions of the United Nations.

On the third line of new constructed governance, inside the new Above gesture of a new global Federal State, we see the country's governance, that become leaded by new assembled leaderships. One by world governance and second by the designing of global region governance. Countries by their self have no first authorities any more in this construction. Resource and a located from all our supplies in the world demand other ways how to deal with climate change and our minerals. Reconstruction is strong demand, we must come forward with this.

Aida Garifullina

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Maria, gratia plena, Maria, gratia plena, Ave, Ave, Dominus, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus, Et benedictus fructus ventris (tui), Ventris tui, 

Jesus, Ave Maria

The new Federal State of Zederlardz, his governance on three new levels of governance fields, demands a high quality standard. With in their governance, members must have effectiveness and strength on their ultimate new responsibility to prevent any kind of default on their plural actions. These aptitudes are precept by contagions of perceptivity, covering the aptitude on crystallized intelligence of the Armed Services. In a matter of fact, it is more over the root acumen of agility behind a so-called global Coup d'état. But not in a negative sense of common sense.

The new Federal State based on the concept of a 'common political authority', with valuable prospectuses. Creating in advance more accomplishments on the needs of humanity and our resources in the world. Reliable equability and finance control and with new strong Federal State Laws.

Wide to local Federal State proposals, but indeed on one hand we would prevent military intervention, but on the other hand we need them to overthrow the undemocratic inefficiencies' assurance of the depraved parliaments, ruled out by their country governance. There is more consensus of our plans than proposed in the exhibited mirrors of the press. There is a large agreement with almost every country in the world, including China & Russia. As we all have emitted in the summer of 2014. At the end there must become obligated to the authenticity of my existence.

Questions about who is in control of our martial supremacy, which is a matter of fact a strong pronounced military decree regiment, will be answered in the next appointments. People must understand that the time of democratic entities and prosperity lies beneath our own dignity.

Near three thousand years passed away from the Mosaic account of the creation, till the Jews under a national delusion requested a king. Till then their form of government, except cases where the Almighty interposed, and republic administered by the elders of the tribes.

Monarchy is ranked in scripture as one of the sins of the Jews, for which a curse in reserve is denounced against them. The history of that transaction is Almighty doomed. 

Kings they had none, and it was held sinful to acknowledge any being under that title but the Lord of Hosts. He sat in his house, with his javelin in his hands. What we do, we always give our commitment to the Bible. We take responsibility through the Bible, through his commands. We are all accountable, exactly to the values as stated in the Bible.

Das Heimischen Herd das Herzens Käiserliche Hütte @Schonbrunn Beim Erbe Von der Vertreter @Holvixhart Beim Bund und Stroh @Phohofol Vorherrschaft @Zederlardz

@Holvixhart @RoyalParkLive Ruled by his Own legislative hers @Schonbrunn Head of the Federal State @Zederlardz His Pronounced Military decree @Phohofol 

Federal State @Zederlardz Legislative Body hers @Holvixhart his oppressive supremacy resident @BernhardHol & his Pronounced Military decree @Phohofol 

And he played along with his hand and wrote it into the walls of the world. Between landscape portrait and Holvixhart's position. To change your settings follow the steps: using sit back and enjoy the ride.

Royal Tanuz Conalz in dieser Röhrenfassung ist ein offener Lernmoment. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, sich mit dem Unbekannten vertraut zu machen. Dass es ihnen gefallen wird. Wir hoffen beide Ben und Ich, Sie in den vielen Konzertsälen und anderen wiederzusehen. Um unsere Liebe zur klassischen Musik mit ein ander Zu teilen. 

Es ist schön, dort zu sein. La clemenza di Tito. Mozart schrieb die Oper in seinem letzten Lebensjahr, anlässlich der Krönung von Leopold II. zum böhmischen König. Das Sujet, das ursprünglich vom italienischen Dichter Pietro Metastasio stammt, war damals sehr bekannt: ein klassischer Huldigung-Stoff, der die Größe und Güte des Monarchen zeigen sollte. 

Bitte wählen Sie nur Ihre eigenen Favoriten. 

Gruß Gott, Bernd Joseph.

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