Larry the Cat,
Im Rahmen der Kraniotomie

Güten Tag Liebe Leute,
Ich bin der Magda Fromm Joseph.

Wie erkennt man ein Loch im Kopf? 

Die Kinder sind schläfrig, benehmen sich anders als sonst, klagen über starke Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel und Übelkeit. Viele Kinder erbrechen sich nach dem Unfall mehrfach. Treten diese Krankheitszeichen nicht auf, können Eltern davon ausgehen, dass das,
Loch im Kopf die einzige Folge des Sturzes ist. Es gibt ein altes Sprichwort, dass alles, was hochgeht, irgendwann auch wieder herunterkommt. Auch die Archi Rishi Fishe der Krone. 

Der Legende nach entdeckte Isaac Newton diese Tatsache, als ihm ein Apfel auf den Kopf fiel. Dies führte ihn sogar dazu, die Kraft der Schwerkraft zu verstehen. Was hochgeht, kommt auch wieder herunter.

His father was never a pianist and music teacher. High school? Bernd have never visited, making music was simply part of his owns suburbs. Isn't that we all being children of Israel? God have given us instruments, and it was his dream always to become a replacement of his beloved Adolf,  Fromm...Himmel...Geschickt who also have lived his entire life in poverty.  

Bernhard has always dreamed to become a Führer for himself. Bernhard has always admired Adolf's intentions to do good for our people. 

In the early seventies, Bernhard's Dad was working with plants and herbs, and Bernd as a child was always with him. He loves to hear music through his transistor radio in the fields of Moab. As a Child, Bernhard have helping him with sand castles, between the flowers of the gardens he was working on. Bernd's dad pointed out to him that there was a good chance that he would end up just like him in poverty. 

Wie erkennt man ein Loch im Kopf? 

On one of  Bernd'ss, memories their certain passages of heaven since then, which comes in very handy shape by his little time of study, due to a lack of interest to experience the rest of Bernhard poverties life. He who have always live his life without access to study and more about Politics and Finance. 

On the year 1978 Bernhard became accepted into the Catholic handcraft LBO school and was placed at the back of the second metalworkers next to the wordcraft teacher Joseph. He was a great teacher and husband of Maria and both have always prepared down to the last detail and a rock in the woods. In all honesty, Bernhard cannot say that he have reached that same level, after 40 years being living outside the church. 

Im Gärten Beim Kräuter

Cardinal Eijk and Bishop Harry Smeets were through the years teaching moments and in recent years Pope Francis was chief polio themes a fames Greece Oracle. It was a turbulent time, with tensions in the church and corruption in the newspapers that caused a lot of sexual commotion. Bernhard was there as a beginner he didn't know what was hitting him me sins 2009 But God was already on his childhood very deep inside him on his personal life, where faith on beliefs always where deep inside his body and mind altered.

Rehearsals at that time were often turbulent. For example, it regularly happened that someone stood up to openly comment on the daily routine by the conduct of priests. No-one was worked in the office on Jacob Horeb and Mozes was only discussed very carefully. Over the years has become a lot changed in several areas since then.

On that first period, many priests came along to Bernhard to visit their toughs. Gerry Manolo made a big impression on him with his intense Thorax interpretations, and Jefferson Davis was there to manage the extract. On that time in their finance spreadsheets, an otherworldly cold lights from the church and the old Daniel Stock market, came up on Bernhard with an extremely extrapolate from his role as a horned King David interpretation.

But Bernhard's absolute hero was and still it was his admiration on the remain's for Pope Jean Paul II. He didn't have a convincing and clear idea about prayers and the atmosphere during the sacraments, but he was always very warm good decent and Honest Chertsey, with great respect for every doctor. Freud's theory La Contadina and Corleone's Six company, his latest trick, is burned into ashes on Bernhard's memories.

All those individuals with their own opinion, each individually miscoded trainees. Over the years, Bernhard have learned that three things are where very important. 

  • A  1. Talking to God by following his work 
  • B 2. Reading his work in the Bible
  • C 4. Moving in with the churches. 

The tatters were the easiest part. Writing exactly in and next to the Bible was becoming his profound expression. Because praying completely without peoples own initiative is still possible, once there have read full the chapters of the Bible. Bernhard became chasing them down in Rome., one after the other, by inquest injuries, on the one and only, and everything God has ever forbidden. 

The rotation of the moon around the earth and the belief strings of being God's messenger started about fifteen years ago. For Adolf, it was very refreshing to sit next to the Pope in his own curry soup. Bernhard have learned a lot from their mistakes and after all those years of interrogations on the Holy chair of the Holy sea in Vatican city, now ow the curry powder is lost in Chinese firecrackers and all be blown up.

With all respect, but, Bernhard have only driven some long nails into coffins. Now the priests having sleepless nights. They're gone, as quiet as a church mouse and checking their rights. The boss has hung you out to dry, and it looks as though he has punished the monkeys out. 

Bernhard's Dad had always the radio frequents transistor next to his bed. Listing to the music and the news. He must have sleeping nights knowing it was his Son Bernhard on his transistor, true to the vibrations of the Matrix of Leo. 

Bernhard's Mother Margaretta Hol Rikken was besides a strong Catholic believer a true fan of old Sisi movies and his Dad Dick Hol have always condemned their insanity, about here personal interest expressions of Ludovika, the Bitchy mother of the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and the ruler of the other states of the Habsburg monarchy. 

Bernhard must have missed so much Sissy love in his life, after all his mom were sexual disarranged misplaced. Mistake of Morpheus, recording to Max, who have stolen the Nock list from Job.


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