Larry the Cat,
New Software Update Package 

Message for Microsoft

My criticism of LinkedIn is justified. You have turned a public utility like the free Labor Department into a privatized grazing food joint.

Paid from Private Equity? 

You are also not allowed to refuse people like me wo is desperate looking for a job who show their ID card on your module..

It has an NFC but has been blocked by the Dutch Government, the shocking exclusion and discrimination of neoclassical liberal design. We would say that my shape is dangerous to Enemy the State..

So I am hereby registered that it really is me.

I'm afraid, so let's start here with my Network and other settings in a sudoku module 45 on 2 and 4 open on 9.

Koot and the Bie

a Dutch Satire

I work for people and am not looking Mrsôuv myself. As the Bluetooth reformed congregation Mrsôuv, we, Ab and me, we are very grateful for your involvement. As we understand it, your clientele was connected to route 40 and Gerard to bypass the 60. 

Is that correct, Ab?

Eu Ab you said so


Right checked all settings 4/5 times Mrsôuv. Tried everything but no sound on my TV and also no sound on my Newspaper Audio system within the X+ Application. This is in contrast to all other installed multimedia apps.


Yes Bie..

The washing machine is not working very well, isn't?

Well Koot 

Just listen to the X yourself..


Yes, Bie...

Die Blechtrommel..

Nun sagt mir malh Heinrich..

Auf Meinem Kino, das übertragende Audiospur Geräte wird bei mir nicht eine einzige geruise wagenommen im Dammerfüllung. Einer X Golfplatz in der Sendung mit der Maus ist doch hoch + Oder Hinke?

Aber mein Führer, bitten dich doch..

Daß Malen und Grasen helft doch nicht, Da dieses X Gerät eine mittelalterliche Schleife hat, bein mehrfache länge golven im + Bereich der Auslenkung der harmo. Daß hätte der Hernn Doktoranden Joseph Göebels der liebe Eva dich doch Sohn am Verständnis hingegen?

Ja, ja..

Sohn gut mein Junge...

Mein Führer,

Ja bitte..

Kennen Sie die Stomme filme von Charley Chaplin?

Vonn Lauren Mitt Hardy?

Nein nein, dü Domkoph, 'Parthenon sculpturen' mit Trevor Noah in die Hauptrolle. Das ist der neue Kinofilm Von unsern Geliebte Leni Riefenstahl. Frage sie doch Göebels selbst erstmals.

What were Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy like in real life? 

In real life, Laurel & Hardy were completely different to their on-screen personas. As the creative force behind their comedy, Stan Laurel was a driven, highly focused man who breathed, ate and slept comedy. It was almost as though his brain naturally sought and found inspiration for the team's films. 

Often, Laurel stayed behind at the Hal Roach studios after the day had officially ended. He would supervise the editing of a film - and would grow decidedly annoyed if his instructions weren't carried out to the letter.

Laurel was a challenging person to work with but he placed immense pressure upon himself, in order to achieve the best possible results. Oliver Hardy always left the studio once work was over but was equally committed to his performance, perfecting his comic timing etc. 

Usually after work, Hardy would enjoy a few rounds of golf - one of his biggest passions. Both men were known for their sense of humour off-screen, although they usually laughed about different things. Regarding their fans, Laurel personally replied to as much fan mail as he could, when he had some spare time. On the other hand, Hardy's secretary would answer fan mail on his behalf and include an authorized rubber-stamped copy of his signature on each letter.

Scène .. ⁵l_ ca..

49ers Charlotte's web (CBDY)

Have received a Chinese DQ08 RK3528 Smart TV Box package with the European standard Installed Software package, the DQ3C.230805.001 B2release-keys. (20231107_0250) But no access on X @TheAcademy

Scène: Jackie Chan in America..

Yo Bruce..

Your Demented Willes 'releases ...


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