Virtue Suitable Body

Love Stories & Fairytales

As times change, attitudes and dances change. The great changes that occurred in the art of dance kept pace with the changes in dress, manners and new customs. We also find a faithful reflection of this in the development of ballet art. In the "terre à terre" dances, the choreography could only unfold on the floor. 

The Italian dance master 'Du Beaujoyeux (who arranged the famous court ballet 'Ballet Comique de la Reine', in 1581) describes choreography as: a geometric sensual arrangement of several persons dancing together. Today, choreography has become dance composition in the fullest sense of the word. 

A composition that can develop in freedom of design, space, clothing, content and guidance. And yet we still speak of classical ballet. Classically understood meaning: that which dates from an earlier age and yet is not obsolete; which can serve as a guideline. Why? Because the basis of classical ballet has remained unchanged. Over the centuries, classical ballet technique has proven its virtue in making the human body suitable for use as a dance instrument. 

Love stories and fairy tales inspiring learning. Ballet have a great performance of education level. In a typical Ballet class the 'young ones', get access to other parts of undetected treasures of rich culture, art and literature. At the same time, dancing 'sur les pointes', [on the toes] had never come into Simone Biles favour.

By the end of the Olympics the blocked toe had appeared, and the tutu, a very short, buoyant skirt that completely freed the legs, had come into use. The male dancer functioned as partner to support the ballerina, on the central focus of the dance and  a  drama..

Margaret of Austria was a daughter of Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy. Her high birth made her an object of dynastic policy from infancy. Her father Maximilian was anxious to secure for the House of Habsburg the rich Burgundian inheritance that had passed to him after the death of the last Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold, thanks to his marriage to the latter’s daughter and sole heir in 1477.

After Mary’s death in 1482 the Burgundian Estates claimed guardianship over Margaret and her brother Philip. Before she had reached the age of three, the little girl was promised to Charles, heir to the French throne and son of King Louis XI. Margaret’s betrothal set the seal on the cession of a number of Burgundian territories, which had been claimed and occupied by France since 1477. 

Over the centuries, classical ballet technique has proven its virtue in making the kingdom's body suitable for use as a dance instrument. Not in a constitutional way of common sense, just as a Virtue Suitable Body duty performance. 

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