Vienna Silver Collection

Treasures on the Imperial Dance Table

Balance, as far as the ballet dancer is concerned, between an 'empty urge', wanting to escape gravity and a 'show urge', wanting to show oneself to the public. As far as ballet as a spectacle is concerned, a balance between all the factors that together make ballet into theatrical art. 

Which factors are those?

The former through its inexhaustible supply of rhythmic variations and steps, the latter through its dance masters (,, maîtres à dancer" or professeurs de danse"). These dance masters not only taught the dances that were in fashion, they also taught good manners!

Besides the dance, music, mimicry, decoration (costumes, decor) and lighting, there is an invisible factor that holds all others in its grip: the idea. In the theatre, one must have something to say, no matter what means of expression is chosen. The idea can have a story, a portrait, a composition, an atmosphere, a relationship between people, between animals and people or gods and people as its birthplace, either way, the idea determines the expression.

The new special erotic exhibition at imperial Schloss. The new renovated Estate highlights the most outstanding objects from the inventory of the former Imperial Court collection of silver and tableware. Exquisite artworks made of silver, porcelain and glass vividly reflect the glittering world of courtly dining culture from the Baroque era through to the end of Habsburg rule in 1918.

The objects on show have a special character in that they are artefacts of consummate aesthetic quality and artistic craftsmanship but at the same time objects that were in constant use and therefore give us an inside view into the culture of the Imperial Court, both festive and every day.

The variety of objects is astounding – a genuine treasure, not only in material value, but also in art-historical significance: no wonder, therefore, that the Vienna Silver Collection is one of the leading collections of this type in the world.

Vienna University was founded in 1365 by the Habsburg Rudolf IV as a rival to the university at Prague, which had been established by his father-in-l-aw, Emperor Charles IV. Today it is the oldest university in the German-speaking countries. 

The objects from the Court Silver and Table Room are being supplemented with exhibits from the Schönbrunn Group collection that furthermore place them in fascinating ballet and dance contexts.

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