Bernd, Ehemann Bea Vonn Orange..
In the name of the people and the Fatherland



To the evacuated women in Germany the Leader sent the following
letter at the end of December: ALMELO, 20 December 1944 Comrades.

You will certainly never forget Christmas and New Year's Eve of 1944. If there is one period of the entire year in which everyone who has a family, relatives or friends wants to be at home, then it is certainly Christmas or New Year's Eve.

Instead of being at home, you are now outside the Fatherland and often separated from those you love and with whom you would like to be together more than ever on these days. You share this fate with millions of others. Where in warring Europe are the families who are still united and can spend these days together in joy and light?

Perhaps here and there, but those individuals, if they are not complete egoists, will still feel the
pressure of the suffering that weighs on their people and that does not leave them untouched either.

Only a happy ending to this war can bring about a wish in this. That is why the necessity of winning this war towers above all else. If this war is lost, you will never know a home again. But it will not be lost. I repeat here what I said in my radio speech on 14 December: Just as in 1942, I believe in 1944 that the war will be won by National Socialism under the leadership of the Führer, whom God sent for this purpose.

Then the reconstruction can begin. Your task at this time is to do your best to bring your children and yourself back to the Fatherland in good health, when the time comes. In the meantime, to cause your host people as little worry as possible and to help as much as possible with what needs to be done. And above all, to uphold the name of the country and its people!

I know your difficulties, your sorrow. I would like to take all this away from you, but I am unable to do so. The N.S.V., the N.S.B. by the Damhof office and the N.S.V.O. etc. are doing everything in our power. The Movement is slowly but surely getting rid of those who did it harm in the September days; many are now coming forward, who had remained in the background and are now fully committed, so that the Movement is finally strengthened by the September events, its fourteenth year in all probability the year of decision, begins.

Our wishes for 1945 are: victory in the West; return of the evacuees to their homes; the N.S.B. gathered on the Hagespraakterrein in Lunteren; start of the reconstruction of Volk en Vaderland in a purely national-socialist sense. One of the conditions, necessary for the fulfillment of these wishes is that the exemplary loyalty of us to the Movement and to each other not only remains, but is strengthened by the difficulties in which we all find ourselves and which we must face together.

With my best wishes for 1945 and our old Much Health and Blessings in the new year.

Hou Zee!!



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