Larry the Cat,
Deneb Constellation of Cygnus

Good evening, dear viewers of ARTE Journal. My name is Annette Gerlach. There is an extremely dangerous radioactive radiation detected in unusual activity in the Cygnus region. 

Scientists have discovered that it is a blue-white supergiant star of the spectral class A2 la. Light in space is the bird of matchless beauty in his own purity. 

The bright stars that have been discovered marking the summer sky are in a large triangle often collectively referred to as the 'Summer Triangle', Vega of the Lyra Altair of the Eagle (Aquila), and Deneb of the Swan (Cygnus). 

Deneb, this year's star, is the faintest of the three at magnitude +1.25, but as we shall see, appearances can deceive the dark matter around space, time, and the vacuum of the universe. 

Deneb is Intrinsically clear

Of the 25 brightest stars in the sky, Deneb is farthest from us: about 1800 light-years. That Deneb seems so bright, of course, means something: apparently, we are dealing with a star that is intrinsically extraordinarily bright. 

Our Sun would be a magnitude +14 star at Deneb's distance, out of reach for most amateur viewers! The absolute visual magnitude of Deneb, the brightness the star would have at its standard distance of 32 1j, is magnitude -7.5.

If Deneb, were at that distance, it would well eclipse the Planet, Venus. Deneb is therefore a colossal light source: it is 4000 times brighter than Sirius and no less than 100,000 times brighter than our Sun. Of the brightest stars in the sky, only Rigel comes close in luminosity.

Trinität 3 Der Heiliger Geist 
Isenheim Altarpiece the Resurrection

Northern Europe at the beginning of the 16th Century was in turmoil as a result of religious and political dissension, epidemics of plague, syphilis, ergotism, and famine, and the threat of the Ottoman Empire.

In Alsace, a fulcrum between Germany, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands, Grünewald painted his celebrated and complex altarpiece at Isenheim in a convent chapel of the Antonine religious order that kept a hospital for the care of patients suffering from ergotism, plague, syphilis and other illnesses. 

The ten paintings of this altarpiece convey a series of religious, medical and political meanings, with the scenes of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection being thought to play an integral part of the curative process. This was because patients could be soothed by comparing their suffering to that of Christ on the cross and could console themselves by the Resurrection. 

The portrait of Christ in the cross is astounding in its realism and naturalism. It represents, with great pathological veracity, a tortured body in agony, a break with previous traditional representations of this event. Impressive pathological detail is also given to a figure in the Temptation scene. 

The entire work is suffused with religious connotations provided by the composition, the forms and the richness and sophisticated use of colours.

Although Grünewald's paintings are few and the facts of his personal life sparse, it is known he married a Jewish woman, supported the peasant revolts, and was probably a Lutheran in a Catholic area. 

While Grünewald is considered the epitome of a German artist, the universal projections of his art have influenced physicians and the artistic productions of many painters, writers, musicians and sculptors throughout the world.

Deneb (a Cygni) is the 19th star in the sky in apparent brightness. He marks the tail of the swan statue.  By the way, that is also the 'signature of the tail Arabic word Deneb'. We also encounter that name in E ebola, (ß Leonis), the tail of the Lion and Deneb Kaitos (ß Ceti) the tail of the Whale. 

Deneb (a Cygni) Its full Arabic name was Al Dnanab al Dajajah, the tail of the chicken. The constellation of the Swan was always seen as some kind of bird in Antiquity and Arab times, even though apparently not always a swan. 

In the Christian tradition, a cross was seen in it. Deneb was then the Top of the Northern Cross, counterpart of the beautiful Southern Cross of the Southern Hemisphere. (Isenheim Altarpiece, the Resurrection Altarpiece) Cosmic vision of Jesus Christ as the Sun God.

A2 supergiant
Deneb Constalation of Cygnus

Deneb is a white star of spectral type A2 with a surface temperature of about, 9200 K. It is very similar to Sirius (spectral type Al) that he is actually so much brighter than Sirius has everything to do with Deneb's much larger size. 

Deneb is a supergiant; its diameter is estimated to be about 150 times that of the Sun. A direct measurement of Bonneau in 1981 using an interferometer has confirmed this estimate.

Deneb's full spectral designation is A2 Iae. A2 is the spectral type: the appearance of the line spectrum, which is largely determined by the temperature of the star. A. Stars are spectrally the dullest stars imaginable: their spectrum is absolutely dominated by the hydrogen lines of the Balmer series (Ha, Hß, Hy, ....) other lines are completely dwarfed. 

The piece 'Ia' in the spectral designation means that Deneb is a bright supergiant (there are also fainter Super Giants. type Ib). Finally, the 'e' indicates that Dench shows emission lines, more about that in a moment.

The last Decan or part of this story; Cygnus The Swan, the lordly kingbird of the waters. In classic writings the swan was considered the emblem of poetic dignity, purity and grace. 

Recording to Captain Kirk from Starship Enterprise,
it seems to be flying down the Milky Way, in the same general direction, as the river that pours out from the heavenly urn. These are scientifically seen in the H-R diagram below. It has a few specific stars included in the plot, but otherwise just shows the main regions.
The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram

The spectrum of an A star like Deneb is completely dominated by lines of hydrogen. (after H. Scheffler, Physik der stern and sun). (German lecture T iII 3759.61). 

One of the most useful and powerful plots in astrophysics is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (hereafter called the H-R diagram). It originated in 1911 when the Danish astronomer, Ejnar Hertzsprung, plotted the absolute magnitude of stars against their colour (hence effective temperature). 

The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, abbreviated as H–R diagram, HR diagram or HRD, is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their stellar classifications or effective temperatures.

Independently, in 1913 the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell used spectral class against absolute magnitude. Their resultant plots showed that the relationship between temperature and luminosity of a star was not random, but instead appeared to fall into distinct groups.

At the very Top of the main sequence, the massive stars are 10 to 30 times more massive than our Sun. They are hot, spectral types O and B with surface temperatures well above 10,000 K. They radiate at extreme rates, tens of thousands of times brighter than the Sun. 

Because they are heavier than our Sun, they are much more lavish with their fuel supply: the hydrogen in the core is exhausted, or fused into helium, much earlier than in lighter stars.

Massive stars radiate themselves completely in a 'short' time, in a few million years instead of billions of years. Then they set out on the path to destruction. They try to meet their energy needs by internally fusing substances other than hydrogen. 

In doing so, they become involved. The core is hotter, but at the same time the outer layers continue to swell and cool in the process.

The star moves from spectral type OB B to the supergiant stage, first as a B supergiant (e.g., Rigel) then via A (e.g., Deneb) to the stage of a gigantic, cool M supergiant (think Betelgeuse). Finally, all internal power sources are exhausted, and the star ends its radiant life in a colossal explosion.

For such massive stars as Deneb, this evolution is very fast. The period from main sequence to M supergiant is probably only a few tens of thousands of years. And apparently the evolutionary track is very fast in the vicinity of the A super Giants, because they are very rare: Deneb is almost alone in that corner of the HR diagram. (©®CERN)

Supergiants such as Deneb are among the brightest stars known. They are at the very Top of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HR diagram, see figure), the region of the very bright and at the same time very massive stars. Deneb's mass is estimated to be about 20 solar masses. 

In the HR diagram we find most stars on the so-called main sequence, which are the stars that owe their energy to hydrogen nuclear fusion in their interior.

Sirius is in the main sequence, and so is our Sun. In 1964, M. and W. Liller therefore tried to determine whether Deneb's rapid development might be reflected in a comparison of old and new spectra. Deneb's evolutionary track from spectral type A to M covers only 20,000 years.

In that time the star cools down 6000 K, which is an average of 0.3 K per year. The Liller's had spectra from 1887 to 1964; at that time a temperature drop of around 25 K could therefore be expected and that could just be measurable. Indeed a very slight change in the ratio of some spectral lines (Ha and the Calcium-H line) (Strignini).

However, the impression existed that the change was mainly known in the first years of the 19th century and not as expected gradually over the whole period of time. The measured change indicates that to be on some activity in the earlier atmosphere of the star and not on an evolutionary nasty cooling.

The perception of change rings that can be assigned with certainty written to the stellar evolution so late. Mass loss Most of the early supergiants (spectral thy pin O to F) are subject to a hefty mass loss, which manifests itself in a whole series of small instability phenomena.

Deneb is no exception. Mass Loss, a fierce 'star wind', betrays including in the shift of certain spectral lines, in particular certain lines in the ultraviolet.  

Mortality due to collisions with power lines affects waterbirds around the world.  This includes impacts to swans. The primary mechanism by which avian collisions are mitigated is installation of line markers on power lines to increase their visibility to birds.  

This approach has some drawbacks.  First, on large power lines, only the top wire can be marked, second marking often requires a helicopter, which is both dangerous and expensive, and third, collisions often persist despite the presence of line markers. 

Hypothesized that using ultraviolet (UV) light to illuminate wires might be more effective in reducing avian collisions because UV light could shine on all wires, would not require a helicopter to install, and because UV light is not visible to people, would not make power lines more visible to nearby human residents. 

To evaluate this hypothesis, we installed a UV light source at a power line span crossing the Central Platte River at the Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary (Rowe), a major Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) migratory stopover location near Gibbon, Nebraska.

With Deneb we see line shifts of ionized magnesium and iron (Mg II and Fe II) which were at expansion speeds of up to 250 km/s. That is almost certainly larger than the escape.speed of Deneb, and these masses of gas thus disappear in space. Also lower speed dens occur closer to the star's surface: it seems that the mass loss occurs in a kind of regurgitation through which peels materows is emitted.

Another phenomenon pointing to mass groin is the occurrence of emission lines. The absorption lines of hydrogen (especially the.Balmer lines Ha and HB) show in Deneb a kind of emission edge on the long wave side, where we see the expanding atmosphere not in front of but next to the star. This one emission phenomena is stronger in O- and B- supergiants, especially the P Cygni stars Amongst them. 

Deneb belongs to the tail of this series: after spectral type A5, the supergiants no more emission phenomena. Finally, continuous emission is also in Deneb the infrared and in the radio range one, pointing to a very extensive atmospheric sphere like you do with a star with big stars wind expected.

 Battement Pulsations

All the phenomena together indicate that Deneb loses one solar mass in about 10 million years. A lot of mass compared to stars like the Sun, but less than the massless in the B supergiants; probably Deneb  have stronger mass loss in the past. The radiation pressure of the cosmic super oven of Deneb is the powerhouse force, behind that continuous stream of matter outwards. 

The initial cause must however, are sought in movements in the star itself. In B supergiants, it is often one very fast rotation, at Deneb becomes more thought of large-scale turbulence in the outer layers of the star or to pulsations. on pulsations seem to be the more or less periodic indicate changes in radial the spectral lines of Deneb are observed names.

The astronomer Paddock has in the years 1927, until 1933 a beautiful, very complete series of 794 spectra of Deneb recorded with telescopes at the Lick Observatory. Careful analysis of those spectra by the American astronomer Lucy in 1975 resulted in the radial velocities being semi-regularly showing moderate changes. 

There is a long period of about 2 years, with an amplitude of approximately 6 km/s. For the explanation ring of which one thinks of a job Wentworth: So Deneb is probably a spectroscopic binary.

Postponed Mental health

Correct for that long-term change, then irregularities gradual changes over time between 7 and 100 days, and a total amplitude of more than 10 km/s. (4 pills a day to burn the light he said, the Pope) That indicates complex non-radial vibrations, where the star not so much getting bigger and smaller but complex deformations. (Nearly 1 AU). 

That is also to be expected with a gigantic star as Deneb: the different parts of the atmospheres are nearly 1 AU apart, so that density disturbances take half a year need to traverse the star (5 moths to flame to ashes) So is a simple radial pulsation actually closely to present every day.

Mass loss Most of the early supergiants (Spectral thy pin O to F) are subject to a hefty mass loss, which manifests itself in a whole series of small instability phenomena.

Deneb also exhibits other minor, gradual changes, including one light variation of about 0.05 magnitude and small color variations, always with periods of 10 to 20 days. (Intelligence and life survival skills), to the mass murderers of human stars.

112 North America Nebula Deneb is surrounded by bohemian cloud forests nations, that are approximately at the same distance from rich thy, and having Earth as the star itself. The most well-known is the great North American nebula, NGC 7000, which is 3° east of Deneb lies. 

The nebula is about 45 lj in size and is about 70 lj from Deneb. The mist has no doubt his light to Deneb, which we thank God for his inside light.

There was an explanation for mass; in fact the definition remains the same even now but from a different perspective. The standard definition is that mass is 'Something', that offers resistance to the motion of an object. Something had to be considered as a 'Fundamental property'. Although for human bodies, mass could be considered as the number of particles in the body. 

However this definition failed for single particles; as indivisible particles cannot be made up of some other particles. For Hence it was not chosen to be a fundamental property of each particle.


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