Larry the Cat,
Professor Dr. Ing. Bernhard Hol

The B-Hion (biotic) scientific paper.

It became known as the Podlers triple 2D theory. The tectal gray of the B-Hion force, on its nanoscale, describes every detail of the dark matter mass of the gravitational waves. Inside the biotic parts of the loaded mass, which have not been set yet, inside the Quantum theoretical approaches of particle theoretical physics. 

🧩  +1 The Standard Model describes all the elementary particles physicists have found so far. Particles are grouped into matter particles (quarks and leptons) and force-carrying particles (bosons). Both quarks and leptons exist in three distinct sets, called families or generations. 

🧩  -1 To understand the further steps of this section of the physics behind the B-Hion Papers, it is necessary to learn the first steps of the standard model. You will need this to complete the Q&M puzzle. The Big Rip, by the Matrix of Leo, is tracery to crack down. It could be that you ended up in Khasekhemwy's Tomb. 

🧩 + 1 - 1 = 3 What happens if the B-Hion boson collapse with a Highs boson? Symmetry breaking moments. -1 and +1 is simply declared antimatter. Creates the biggest BOEM ever seen in space. It's the creation by itself. Old stars are dying, and new one become born. Antimatter is defined as matter composed of the antiparticles of the corresponding particles. Antimatter is also called negative matter. 

Scientific classified as we see the greater complexities of the Grand design as we read; E = mc2 along with his weightiness + B = bh3, along with his gravity formulated in the Campbell's trench of the linear boundary's of secret strains.

The prefix 'nano' means one-billionth, or 10-9; therefore, one nanometre is one-billionth of a meter. It's difficult to imagine just how small that is, so here are some examples: A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometres thick. You have to learn, first, the first steps of the Standard Model. Before you actually could understand the..


emty shell

The botheration with the B-Hion first notes theory was that some physics colleagues thought, that infinities could not exist in the real world. Until recently, the standard model approached a unification reform of a mutated and their for a new standard model.

Podlers Triple 2D theory, where biotic cellular particles interact with the Higgs quantum excitation positions as they produce quantities of Geodesic matter. Antimatter dimensions of Geodesic matter are eating the rib out of the bone of mother earth. 

Old structures with toxic spaces are dying, and new structures with healthy spaces are born. Space variations have all kinds of shapes, structures, and sizes. In these examples, we see the naked singularity. 

Singularities are predicted to exist in black holes by Einstein's theory of general relativity. It is by virtue of coupling with a Higgs boson that most elementary particles, gain mass. The B-Hion has this biotic mass and weight of a tremendous amount of gravity inside.

Where the O Gravi stands for gravity. This was also a missing element, in the dismantled structures of the standard model. Further described in Podlers Triple 2D theory. Scientific paper. By me, Bernhard. This mass is the ultimate force that grabs Mother Earth into the density of a black hole.

For further notice, a singularity is a point or region of infinite mass density at which space and time are infinitely distorted by gravitational forces, and which is held to be the final state of matter falling into a black hole.  In the infant universe, a substantial enhancement in the radiation density on the scale of the cosmic horizon could have made some small regions behave as a closed universe and sealed their fate in isolated collapses to black holes.

The typical variations that are actually observed in the cosmic microwave background radiation had an initial amplitude that is a 100,000 times smaller than needed to make black holes. But these variations can only be observed on large spatial scales.

 It is possible that rare density enhancements of a much larger amplitude were generated on very small scales as a result of new physics at high energies. Although existing cosmological data just allows for that, there is added motivation to consider this hypothetical possibility because of the existence of dark matter.

Most of the matter in the universe is dark, and despite searches for signatures of related elementary particles on the sky or in laboratory experiments, none were found so far. Primordial black holes (PBHs) could potentially make the dark matter. Various astrophysical constraints rule out PBHs as the dark matter if they have either low or high masses, but allow for a range of masses between a billionth and a thousandth of the mass of the moon—similar to asteroids with a size ranging between one and a hundred miles.

Black holes are regions in space where an enormous amount of mass is packed into a tiny volume. This creates a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape. They are created when giant stars collapse, and perhaps by other methods that are still unknown.

It may be infinitely small, but its influence is enormous. Imagine a circle with a singularity in the middle. The gravity on the inside of the circle is so strong that nothing can escape—it sucks in everything, even light.

By their calculations, quantum mechanics could feasibly turn the event horizon into a giant wall of fire and anything coming into contact would burn in an instant. In that sense, black holes lead nowhere because nothing could ever get inside.

Sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid in this size range impacted the Earth and killed the dinosaurs as well as three quarters of all life forms. This is a sober reminder that even the sky is a source of risks. We could protect ourselves from future asteroid impacts by searching for reflected sunlight from their surfaces upon their approach to Earth. In 2005, the U.S. Congress tasked NASA to find 90 percent of all hazardous objects larger than 140 meters, about a hundred times below the size of the Chicxulub impactor that killed the dinosaurs.

This led to the construction of survey telescopes like Pan STARRS and the forthcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which can fulfil two thirds of the congressional goal. These surveys take advantage of the sun as a lamppost that illuminates the dark space near us. An early alert would allow us to deflect dangerous asteroids away from Earth. 

But PBHs do not reflect sunlight and cannot be identified this way ahead of impact. They do glow faintly in Hawking radiation, but their luminosity is lower than a mini light bulb of 0.1 watt for masses above a millionth of the mass of the moon. Is this invisibility a reason for concern?

In particular, if PBHs in the allowed mass range make up the dark matter, one may wonder whether they pose a threat to our life. An encounter of a PBH with a human body would represent a collision of an invisible relic from the first femtosecond after the big bang with an intelligent body—a pinnacle of complex chemistry made 13.8 billion years later. Although this constitutes a meeting of an extraordinary kind between the early and late universe, we would not wish it upon ourselves.

The attractive gravitational force induced by a P. B-Hion of the above-mentioned mass would shrink our entire body by several inches during its quick passage. The pull would be impulsive, lasting 10 microseconds for the typical B-Hion speed of 100 miles per second in the dark matter halo of the Milky Way galaxy. The resulting pain would feel as if a tiny vacuum cleaner with a tremendous suction power went quickly through our body and shrunk its mussels, bones, blood vessels and internal organs.


B-Hion Biofinity Cold

Bernd Zelikow has stated that Professor Higgs must take the heat of his burning disaster. On his existence, the payloads of the B-Hion dark mass, is heavier than the discovery of the Higgs outcome in 2012. One of the discoveries on this new theory, is that there is found a major break true on our Standard Model. It is become mutated, with new elements,

Darkness is cold Higgs,

                                                       —Q & W

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