Thoughts at Lady Diana

Pino said, 
Sun of Elisabeth's Veneration

candle on a flame 
luscious melifica endorsed honeybee
bright as cassiopeia shines
oasis the open truth

enthusiastic awakens new life
arriving sunsets morning star
ram red shame fire
venues goddess of love

language by herbs connection
wisdom of hidden fairy tales
symbolism here wedding ring
noble stones hidden powers

taurus colours the earth
grows thrives feminines beauty
creatively tackle virgins sexuality
moonlight on romantic mars

medicinal herbs lexicon literature
cosmic connectedness light cohesion
living body our earth
rhythm of life connection

twins medical yellow scent
adaptability red air command
mercury the quick thinking
Love caress of sublimation

cosmic creatures healing elements
herbs stimulate pundit kitchen
plants our souls consciousness
history of the past

lobster silver like water
head in emotion protection
stirring of the subconscious
moon care light intuition

forces point heated metals
midwinter snow here symbolism
wisdom hidden ancient rhymes
heart the other side

lion gold orange fire
fruits ripen his domination
lovingly great his wedding
sun of Elisabeth's veneration

zodiac on earth constellation
ecliptic belt of wisdom
earth equator celestial equator
slope theorem the equinox

virgins sand of earth
diligent here meticulous harvest
salt crystals the ambition
earth firmly the ground

rapture romantic flesh fire
romeo of julia's earth
intellect feels intimate air
soul of earths water

libra light blue sky
amorous charming hot intercourse
changeable flirt date impressionable
venus beauty love harmony

Zodiac heavenly wide orbit
sun behind the moon
day at night light
north star circle decor

scorpio black red water
intens depth erotic feeling
secret full warm aurora
pluto hunter of soul

orbit obliquely earths axis
cone cloak existence characters
chaldean spinning here wisdom
timeless space attendants planets

sagittarius lilac coloured fire
philosophical enthusiasm time travel
straight sea blind optimistic
jupiter ruler of prejudice

ritual lyrical rhythm dancing
nature cadence of animal signs
songs of animal adventures
extraterrestrial alhone spinning web

capricorn turquoise the anthracite
leader of strategic insight
authority to his independency
saturn boundary breaking function

aquarius metal the sky
separate dust our down
rebel under the revolution
uranus contrarian his sleeper

choleric by the fire
melancholy beauty of earth
sanguine temperament his air
phlegmatic flexible the water

children's funds pastel colours
selfless toughs endemic charity
silent beaches mystical violins
neptunes odettes love dedication

toughs at lady Diana
candle on a flame
bright as cassiopeia shines
oasis the open truth

Diana mother of sons
rotated horoscope space wheel
synastry the ascendants revolve
luscious melifica endorsed honeybee


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Per Dòminum nostrum

431 Flectámus Génua Deus, qui mirabiliter creasti hóminem, et mirabilus redemísti; da nobis, quæsumus, contra oblectaménta peccáti, mentis rátione persístere; ut mereàmur ad ætérna gáudia perveníre. Per Dòminum nostrum J.C. Filium tuum.

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