Larry the Cat,
Our Lady of Mount Carmel

In the north-west of France, in the Base Normandie region, we find the town of Lisieux. In Gallo-Roman times, Lisieux was known as Noviomagus or Noviomagus Lexoviorum, named after the Gallic tribe Lexovii. 

Thérèse of Lisieux was named a doctor of the church by Pope John Paul II in 1997. She is a patron saint of missions and of florists. Thérèse was the youngest of nine children, five of whom survived childhood. She lies in a holy crypt inside the Basilica named after here..

To my dear Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart, Jesus, my Beloved, who could express the tenderness and O sweetness with which You are guiding my soul le pleuses Konsto cause the rays of Your grace to shine through even in the midst of the darkest storm! 

Jesus, the storm was raging very strongly is my soul ever since the beautiful feast of Your victory, the radiant feast of Easter, one Saturday in the month of May, thinking of the mysterious dreams which are granted at times to certain souls, I said of myself that these dreams must be a very sweet consolation, and yet I wasn't asking for such a consolation.

On January 20, 1896, Sister Thérèse finished the first manuscript (Manuscript A) of three that would eventually make up the Story of a Soul.  After presenting it to Mother Agnes of Jesus, she continued with her life as a religious sister as usual.

The next day was May 10, the second Sunday of Mary's month, and perhaps the anniversary of the day when the Blessed Virgin deigned to smile upon here Blue Hortensia flower. It appeared to me, they were coming for my Mother, but in the depths of my heart became filled with tears of love.

Alençon (1873 - 1877) 

We accompanied Mama the next day or a few days after to the home of Léonie's little companion. I believe that was the day our good little Mother took us behind a wall to give us a drink of wine after the dinner (which we provided for Miss. Dagoreau), because she didn't want to offend the good woman and didn't want to deprive us of anything.  

WIKIPEDIA Search results Thérèse of Lisieux Sisters of St. Joseph Family Congregation Merciful love St Bernard Hospice Life as a Carmelite Blessed Virgin Mary Mount Carmel 

The Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Latin: Ordo Fratrum Beatissimæ Virginis Mariæ de Monte Carmelo; abbreviated O Carm), known as the Carmelites or sometimes by synecdoche known simply as Carmel, is a Roman Catholic mendicant religious order for men and women. The order of Carmelite nuns was formalized in 1452.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, or Virgin of Carmel, is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as patroness of the Carmelite Order, particularly within the Catholic Church. The first Carmelites were Christian hermits living on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land during the late 12th and early to mid-13th century.  

She appears very intelligent and has the face of a little cherub.' [7rº] and showed his affection for dear little Céline especially after he came home from Noviomagus Lexoviorum. 'I remember the poor little girl, Léonie's com panion, whom our Mother dressed for her First Communion, following the custom of the better-off families. 

This child didn't leave Léonie for one minute that day! In the evening she was given the place of honor at the banquet' (Histoire d'une Ame). Rose Taillé (1836–1908). She lived at Semallé, about eight miles from Alençon. Thérèse was entrusted to her from March 15 or 16, 1873, until April 2, 1874. 

Thérèse's trip to Rome was the first and only time that she ever stepped foot outside of her native Normandy. The stated purpose of the pilgrimage was to celebrate Pope Leo XIII's golden jubilee of ordination to the priesthood, but its unspoken purpose was to make a political statement. 

The pilgrims were composed of ultra montane Catholics who supported the monarchy and opposed the French Republic and the anti-clerical forces of the day. Italy's government was deeply anti-clerical, and the pilgrims were harangued at Rome's train station by protesters who shouted:

Down with Leo XIII!

Down with the monarchy! 

Going to Rome to celebrate the pope's jubilee was like carrying a banner in support of the Church and the papacy. But the pilgrimage was also a social event. The pilgrimage was an excursion of the rich, a sightseeing tour sprinkled with religious overtones; all the shrines, church's and holy sites of any note were seen on route to Rome. 

It was in September, 1896, that Sister Thérèse wrote the second manuscript (Manuscript B) of the Story of a Soul in the form of a letter to her sister, Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart.

Together with Francis of Assisi, Therese of Lisieux is one of the most popular Roman Catholic saints since apostolic times. In June 1877 she left for Lourdes hoping to be cured, but the miracle did not happen but she where always with him.

In the final manuscript St. Thérèse describes her later life which included her own Dark Night of the Soul until just three months before her death from tuberculosis, an event narrated with great compassion in the final chapter, written by The Prioress of the Carmel. 

The Shrine of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus is a Roman Catholic church located in Pasay, Philippines, across the main entrance of Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 3. Dedicated to Saint Thérèse de Lisieux, the church is classified as a diocesan shrine governed by the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines.

Between July 6 and August 5, Thérèse of Lisieux coughed blood twenty times.  As a result, she was moved to the infirmary on July 8 where she remained until her death. In early July, Sister Thérèse gave up her pen, leaving her final manuscript unfinished. Saint Théophane Vénard was a French missionary serving in Indochina. 

He was arrested in Vietnam on November 30, 1860, and was found guilty of proselytism shortly afterward.  He remained imprisoned until he was beheaded February 2, 1861, in Tonkin, Vietnam at age 31. Therese was taught at home until she was eight and a half, and then entered the school kept by the Benedictine nuns of the Abbey of Notre Dame du Pre in Lisieux. 

How delicate a Mother's Mary's heart really is, and how it shows its tenderness in a thousand little cares that no one thinks about. And now I have to speak about my dear Céline, the little companion of my childhood, but the memories here are so numerous. I don't know which to choose. 

I'm going to extract a few passages from letters Mama wrote to you at the Visitation but won't copy them out in full as it would take too long. July 1, 1873, the year of my birth, she said: 'The nurse brought little Thérèse here on Thursday. 

The little one did nothing but laugh. Céline pleased her especially, and she went into peals of laughter with her. One would say she already wants to play, so that will come soon. She holds herself up on her two little legs, straight as a post. I believe she will walk very early and she will be very good.

Sister Thérèse, taught well and carefully by preserved for Marie and Pauline, who have found herself at the top of the class, except for here Posthumous devotions and arithmetic mimic of here story.

Read and study with an open heart, hear story is worthfully to read at various stages of life. No student of thought should be without here presence. Introductions, reflections and discussion questions for each chapter of the text. Study scriptures in the light of Christ follows the theology masters at Radboud University.

Nijmegen, Netherlands.

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