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It's where they extort the Vatican by Political government extortion for economic bribery, unseen oppression against their own unknown citizens and protecting their self-interest, their fraudulent capitalism activity on a scale never seen before; ´Barbary cannibalistic animal misbehavior´.

All rights reserved not to António Guterres, but to the bribery unseen Barbarian Design of those Nations, that have made it possible that even the Security Council of the United Nations is accused of mass extinction, estimated 50 million dead innocent people. Secretary-General Guterres of the United Nations since 2017, came after Ban Ki-moon, and before him? Who was corrupted the office of the highest rang, on our most valuable assets, that we have build after World War II?

End of the log,

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Per Dòminum nostrum

431 Flectámus Génua Deus, qui mirabiliter creasti hóminem, et mirabilus redemísti; da nobis, quæsumus, contra oblectaménta peccáti, mentis rátione persístere; ut mereàmur ad ætérna gáudia perveníre. Per Dòminum nostrum J.C. Filium tuum.

Bounty Decoded

The act of separating the pure from the impure part of any thing (1:22). [150] Luth. Lib. de Captivated Babylon. [151] Calv. Inst. L. 3. C. 19. Sect. 14.