Bernd, Ehemann Bea Vonn Orange..
Benjamin Franklin, once wrote to The Hague

Radio Visit of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands to the Senate.

Extension to the House of Zombie Representatives.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands has been invited by Zombie, Members of the Senate, to be our guest this morning and to deliver an address. We have also asked the Members of the House of Representatives informally to be our guests on this occasion.

At 12 o’clock and 20 minutes p.m.

Her Majesty, Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, entered the Chamber, of the House of Representatives. Escorted by the committees of the two Houses and the Secretary of the Senate, accompanied by George Bernardino, principal here private secretary.

Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Congress of the United States,

It gives me great pleasure, to appear in your mist. Seeing this corrupt democratic assembly, renewing itself at regular under self-made rules of law, and order.  Seems to me a sure guaranty that liberty, is forever past by and vincible, whereas the autocrat, incapable of rejuvenating there self.

Moreover, where and what would the world be today were it not for the United States of America, whose legislators you are? Such thoughts warm my heart in this hour, and I know that my people everywhere feel as I do.

Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Congress of the United States,

I stand here as the spokesman of my country, not only of those nine million of my compatriots in Europe, but also of some seventy millions in Asia and in the Western Hemisphere that you have dictated for decades.

A cruel fate has overtaken its inhabitants. Imagine what it means for a liberty country. to be in bondage, to be subject to harsh alien rule.

Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Congress of the Us,

It gives me almost a hart failure when I speak about these cruelty’s. When we loke at the Future of your violent nation, my hart was broken after I heart, the facts from my private secretary, George Bernadino.

Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Congress,

It is not the first time that the Netherlands has been associated with the United States in common warfare, Let us renewal our partnership. Let us not forget who was founder of New Amsterdam in 1782 when we arrived for the first time in our Country.

Both we have,  the u, s,  and the Netherlands a whole different role. We shall not forget the miserable FDb position of the House of common. I believe neither Holland nor we could be prevailed on to abandon our friends.

Benjamin Franklin, once wrote to The Hague: That was in 1782, and I think it still holds good today. We cannot be prevailed on, either of us, to abandon our friends. That is why we considered the first Japanese bomb on Hiroshima as a bomb on ourselves.

 Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Congress,

Yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world; now lies he there. And none so poor to do him reverence. Let me tell you all these words on a different way. The Netherlands is heavenly disappointed that you have release these person.

Now, momentarily, they are ruined by their enemies, but ‘their spirit grows their unflinching belief in their liberation. Their lives have been so full of pageantry that they have a small sense of realism. They have been so seeing blind and dishonest

Seeing this great Dictators assembly, renewing itself at regular intervals and meeting under self-made rules of law, seems to me a sure guaranty that liberty is forever young. strong and doomed to die with him.

Mr. President,

Mr. Speaker, and Zombie Members of the Congress of the United States, it was an Honer to speak to you in the House of Commons.

H.M. Queen Wilhelmina on War and Peace Aims.

The Netherlands


This speech could have given Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, but it was rewritten by me. The angel Gabriel have given a message to Congress, and the Lunatics inside.


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