Pino said,
Shaved the Sheep's

Shaved the Sheep's

The lamb got bigger, but Pelle got bigger too. The lamb's wool grew longer and longer, and Pelle's clothes became shorter and shorter. Then Pelle took a pair of scissors and shaved the wool off from the lamb. 
Pelle His Wool

Pelle brought the wool to his grandmother and asked: 'Dear grandmother, would you be able to woven my sheep wool? 'Of course, dear boy, said his Grandmother, in the meantime only if you clean the weeds between the weeding carrots, my boy.
Weeding the Carrots 

After the little boy, Pelle have weeded the carrots went end Pelle to Grandma again and asked here: 'Dear Grandma would you spin this wool for me? Grandma said to Pelle: 'Of course, my child, if you are willing to tend the cows in the meantime. 
Carding the Wool

His Grandmother started to carding the wool that was shave of from the sheep.  It's unknown if the sheep have got the flue, after his cold weather shooed. The little boy started to weed the ground between, the carrots of his Grandma. 
Could You Spin?
With the dried wool Pelle went to his mother and said: 'Dear mother will you weave a cloth for me with this Blue painted wool? 'Of course, my Boy', his mother replied. 
Pelle tends the Cows
Pelle started to tend the cows on the farm grounds of his Grandma, next to the Costner's on the Yellowstone farm of their neighbors.
Woving the wool
Pelle's grandmother started to weave the wool after the mohair was shaved off from the sheep's last week on the spinning wheel she had borrowed from Beth Dutton, the daughter of Dutton family, who lives near hear simple animal farm. 
Uncle the Painter

Pelle went to his uncle the painter. Uncle, do you have paint for me to paint my wool? His Uncle said: 'I don't have that kind of paint! If you go to the store for me in the village and fetch a bottle of turpentine, you can buy the right paint with the rest of the money, Pelle. 
Rowed to the village

Pelle rowed ahead to the village to shop, and he brought a bottle of purest fine Turpin for his uncle the painter. 
Blue Paint Powder
The bottle of finest Turpin were cheaper, as his uncle the painter has said. Pelle were surprise and brought from the rest of the money a big cone with extra blue paint powder to paint.
Blue Painted Wool

Once Pelle returned to his grandmother farm, the little Boy started to paint the wool blue he had won, by shaving off his sheep's. 
Woving the Cloth
With the dried wool Pelle went to his mother and said: 'Dear mother will you weave a cloth for me with this Blue painted wool? 'Of course, my Boy', his mother replied. Meanwhile, Pelle was fed his little sister while his Mother was starting to wove a fine piece of cloth for him.
Tailor a new suit
Then Pelle took the piece of cloth to the tailor. And asked, 'Dear tailor, will you make me a new suit? Of course, Pelle, said the tailor. But then you must rake the hay for me and bring in wood for warmth of the hearth. Could you also feed the pigs for me? Pelle answered; 'Of course, tailor.
Feeding the Pigs

So Pelle began his chores. Raking the hay and feeding the pigs, which he really liked. Playing in the mud together with the pigs, was the sweetest thing Pelle did that day. When Pelle had finished his chores, he brought in two arms full of firewood to the tailor. And that same evening, his new suit was ready. The tailor had sewn him a nice new coat for him.
Pelle's new cloth
The following Sunday Pelle put on his fine new suit on and stepped over to his lamb and said; 'Thank you lamb, for these beautiful clothes.
Mé-é-é, Esméé 

Now I can finally go to church with decent Sunday clothes, said the lamb, he was just as happy, the Pope could be with his old cloths. 

Mé-é-é, said the lamb
Mé-é-é, Mé-é-é, Mé-é-é
Mé-é-é, Mé-é-é, Mé-é-é

Once Upon a Time in old ages, there was a land without shapes. But in the land of hope and glory, there are many sheep's to feed. The history of the land without shapes can be traced back as far as 4000 BC.

But a much closer history will tell a story of felling the trees, that used to cover the land, to make a way for agricultural farmland, with borders to indicate the shape of the land of hope and glory. The farmers of the land of hope and glory are decent people, and they ask the Lord the way he is cutting trees, to indicate the shape of the country.
Lucy Heartfilia is a 17-year-old celestial wizard who was spokesman for the poor farmers, and she went to the Lord that have ordered to the people in the land of hope and glory. Lucy Heartfilia have asked the Lord where this is necessary to do so, because the people have a right to know what's going on in their country. The Lords to Lucy Heartfilia:
The land must be transformed in a decent shape. Once you have chosen a tree to fell, it takes a long time before the seed of new trees coming up. I' want to make a decent land from these trees. Therefore, I' choice to make borders, so everybody in these land can find their way home. And nobody while be lost again. Lucy Heartfilia to the Lord:
Lord is these what you want to, we do, but let me ask you another question Lord, you know that I love you, that's the way I'm concerned. You need to know, that the ground around the trees must be irrigated, after we're cutting the trees. The root end maybe springs up. If other people are in the vicinity of tour, take advance in the dirty ground accrues the wood-snipers. Always make sure you have someone with them. The Lords to Lucy Heartfilia:
The safe distance for them is at least two tree lengths. The hope of the land and glory provide distance, with an excellent form of entertainment. Dry, not disturb, but shaky, said Camilla.
Lucy Heartfilia went back to the farmers in the land without a shape. She said to the poor indissolubility farmers; 'The unique venue offer of the Lord brings entertainment in repeat customers to ensure that they have a profitable deal in the future. The farmers in the land of hope and glory were not a must with the idea's from the Lord. There said to Lucy Heartfilia; 'Each of the three chosen service of the Lord have prevalent strengths and weaknesses. Lucy Heartfilia said to the poor weakness farmers; These are factors of importance to understanding in some way the difficulties of the paradox, for analyzing transcripts. After the meeting with the poor indissolubility farmers. Lucy Heartfilia went back again to the Lord and said to the Lord: The People are not happy with the things, but they will accept your offer. The Lord to Lucy Heartfilia:
Although many people in the land of hope and glory, associated me with the devil, I'm going to make them an offer he can't refuse. It's all about honour and truth, although not the sort of faith, he is pretending to in Rome. Therefore, it's more than necessary to do so.

So the people in the land of hope and glory started to cutting the trees in the Highland's in a land without shapes. And Pilatos the Prefect of Judaea authorized the crucifixion of Jesus. He served under Emperor Tiberius.

As we have fact-checked this on our CNN Desk in Atlanta, And we can not confirm this, as a new Disney episode. In these funny moments channel, Dr. Scrooge is bypassing Walt's wonderful works Illegal. The compilation of clips Dr. Scrooge have put together, show us different things. The messages that he try to give you on this disgusting clips, could only be rejected on our cartoon industry.

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