Larry the Cat:
Resurrection & Jollification


honorable appreciated venerable reverend
open unemployment decoration epithet
dedicated transparant talkativeness proclamation  
odysseys light shining space
providing his acumen handlings


water dialogue issuing waves 
sound system donate new age
osiris unagitated faith event 
gap rings full of love
abundance sky full x-factor


 tranquillity beloved confidence macrocosm
harmony flowers true window
 Hypostatic union determination direction
unfolding new orientation information
forward faith devotion dedication


pension gathering advance composure
fornication interval gods discipline
dolce far niente suspension retirement
exposer removal circumference exposure
 authentic blind mistakes contention


behind poltergeist front mosaic
procurator cellarium of care
custom infirmaries repent appliance
librarian archivist remain silence
Universal chimes without organs


glass full characterised extensions
love faith their confidence
administering dedication remedy therapy
challenge providing generosity growth
transmission removal serenity information


elaboration peace mind confidence
illusion gone space thinking
out-of accumulation rooted ball
loneliness fears delighted bankruptcy 
distance vastness dead life


swingcours trajectory heaven vault 
breath taken intrusion compliance
progress design generosity honesty 
open bloom formation progression 
inauguration new scalable world 


uninhibited reformed universe repentance
reach out exceptional donated 
intimacy learning accomplished science
new development direction determination
royal blends higher lands

Rosh Yeshiva,

kosher analyse presenting faith
cloaked credulous probing development 
formation extension remorse conscience
peace remorse soul accordance 
abundance horeb mountain 


transformation moving the herd
provide progress peace of mind
space evolution love controversy 
dedication heart polyamory doctrine
soul accordance conscience avenges 


beginning beyond happiness closeness
rainbow tenderness light channel 
world space infinity long
lighting throw up generosity
butterflies species nirvana movement 


right honesty doctoral proportionality  
quietness barred evolution entering 
four dimensions confidence growth 
substance development cooperative society
accordance following his light


peacetime recovery hope healing
creative development events advancement
dream composure endless space 
caligula preferment love convenience  
accumulation expectation in peace 


advancement understanding same substance 
inspiration authority time evolution
understanding rational emotional thoughts
spiritual elevation infatuation predecessor 
recognition women equal rights


furnishing hideaway new unity
anticipation luminous sadness reflection
recollection through humoristic resurrection
liberation redemption salvation compassion  
pension regulated restatement analogue 


apostolical post righteousness stamp 
meekness conscience docility appliance
vienna clarify procicuti pursuance
macular edema conciliatory consultation
penitent awareness confession acknowledgment


heavenly hell on earth
highest bird from paradise
aisha grave medina digger 
unleash the veiled brides
perceptible incarnated sharia alteration  


contemporary forward pride movement
facing boundless blameworthiness decency
conscience remorse accordance grace
tribunate erectness rectitude sadness 
Intensified tartness humility courage


lefthanded shahada ridan briefing 
israfil signature hira mountain 
khojas balance forecasted mass
yath'rip profusion substance crystallisation 
Ismail abu-bakr unification transmitted
eden umayyaden marriage completion


love candor repentance faithfulness
universal elaboration conscience statement
chiapas around cuzco mexica
athos hesychasme his philocalia
michelangelo prophets juda israël 
amos hosea jesaja jerimia 
empire byzantines leo III


patron of the food shelter
ultimate reality absolutely heavenly
idleness implantation accordance relaxation
cheerfulness merriment real happiness
nutrition for homeless populations


injustice isa flies the dove
judgement life to give
assistance humanity providing care
holey water oxygen space
hope affection new world


supreme lighting beginning
life air earth biosphere
fire earth air water
faith hope and love
rippling jordan rivers
love wet your Magdalena 

From Origin; Dutch Langue's
 Imbroglio to the Pope (NED)

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It's where they extort the Vatican by Political government extortion for economic bribery, unseen oppression against their own unknown citizens and protecting their self-interest, their fraudulent capitalism activity on a scale never seen before; ´Barbary cannibalistic animal misbehavior´.

All rights reserved not to António Guterres, but to the bribery unseen Barbarian Design of those Nations, that have made it possible that even the Security Council of the United Nations is accused of mass extinction, estimated 50 million dead innocent people. Secretary-General Guterres of the United Nations since 2017, came after Ban Ki-moon, and before him? Who was corrupted the office of the highest rang, on our most valuable assets, that we have build after World War II?

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Per Dòminum nostrum

431 Flectámus Génua Deus, qui mirabiliter creasti hóminem, et mirabilus redemísti; da nobis, quæsumus, contra oblectaménta peccáti, mentis rátione persístere; ut mereàmur ad ætérna gáudia perveníre. Per Dòminum nostrum J.C. Filium tuum.

Bounty Decoded

The act of separating the pure from the impure part of any thing (1:22). [150] Luth. Lib. de Captivated Babylon. [151] Calv. Inst. L. 3. C. 19. Sect. 14.