Clinical & Pathological Findings

Larry the Cat:
Case of Diagnostic Misconducting

DOC. 45.10.6901
CIA Art, 7609642 CIA
T.1051-2221. 1959-HT

From CIA
Pangomish Hotspring

Special Investigator
Jack Crawford

CC: FBI Recruite
Student Detective
Clarice Starling

Intelligence Secret service Acquisition of scientific wisdom. Physical and Clinical Pathological Findings, A shroud of snow upon the roof.

Jack Warner comes in the special frozen section suite and starts with his exam on the body that was in a terrible state. The dead corpse was heavily damaged and had multiple injuries. That could leave at least 4 people alone already dead. The rot smelling dead corpse was  found under the bridge campus of Oxford. 

Snow laying all around. A collier cycles home, from his night shift underground. Past the silent pub. Primary school, workingmen’s club. On the road from the pithead. The churchyard is packed with mining dead. 


Then beneath the bridge. He comes to a giant car. A shroud of snow upon the roof.  A Mark ten Knife Jaguar. The dead body in the Moratorium, lies now on the table for further investigation by CIA, Pathologist-specialist, Pangomish Hotspring.

He turns the special ECCD-lights on. Suddenly the room gets more light. With his left food he pushes the marker and the table comes higher up. The corps is wet and has a terrible smell of rotting fish. Is bloated with several discolorations. Grey, blue and everywhere over the corpse blood traces, bullet-holes and other injuries.

‘Clarice Starling mentions, Seems to me, these are the same internal structure damage that we already have, in many cases. It's not strange Jack, that Mi6 calls so fast. 

And that was 2 days ago. 

The room was cold and cold. The lips of the dead body were gray and sworn full with muddy dirt from the dead cold river Oxford Os– where he was found.

Smithy Dorsy, ‘CIA inspector on Langley, was very impressed by what he had heard from Mi5. After some phone calls with his boss at the White House, Smithy Dorsey comes with his colleagues to the conclusion, that She must ring direct,

Special agent Jack Crawford

The leader of the investigation on a terrible Mass Murderer. The last 6 years have these Special-Crimes-Unit from the FBI served under Jack Crawford, There have already found more dead body’s in several countries worldwide, than there were Hamburgers in Washington DC. 

Pangomish Hotspring has made a long career in the dead-body business. He was tainted by CIA- paramilitary group -Brigade 2506. He had served on the ground in Pathet Lao Vietnam. And more recently in Iraq 1991 Gulf War. 


Pathologist-specialist Pangomish Hotspring was a Pattern of Effective Protection. A military trained 3 stars Colonel of the Military Forces of the United States. In 1998 he retired and made a move to the CIA. 

Pangomish Hotspring so his whole life, dead body’s and investigate terrible dead body’s. Body’s that came back in body backs, all over the world. Pangomish was a specialist on Skin, Thoracic, Head and Neck and Neuropathology.

Are you ready..

He asks Clarice. She was together with Jack Crawford on a special plane, booked by a Mi6 flight from Kennedy Airport to London Heathrow. 

That was just hours ago.. 

It was 05.15 AM on the clock of the room. Clarice was looking after Pangomish Hotspring and found his eyes, and said; 

The smell is terrible. 

I’m coke, let's do these quick and fast

Jack Warner standing next to her, And gave her a warm sing. With an empty face that looks like he was the devil himself. Jack’s body-language was for Clarice always a trust. But now she has fear in Jack's eyes. Jack's skin was grey. His face was white and his eyes looked dull, his Chin keen.

Jack Warnes mention was to clear-up, the last missing details in the case, that he had called 'DOTOED', And with these terribly smelling dead corpses on the table of the frozen section suite, was something very strange. He had heard from Mi6 special details, where he was found and which evidence was found. 

For Jack was this dead corps more than a daily routine. It could lead him to the end of the case. Could the dead body confirm proof that this is the Mass killer? 

Jack Warnes has now for more than 140 people proved evidence on his account. Body’s that he could link to one person and that person, was now on these terribly bad days, on a moratorium arrived in London. 

The weather was terrible. Rain the whole day on the moment his Mi6 flight from Kennedy Airport was stranded on Heathrow airport. Pangomish was Troubled and could not wait for the autopsy at last. Pangomish Hotspring brought his mouth mask under his nose and straightened the laces in the back of his neck.

Let’s start he said;

Clarice nodded,.

Jack said, okay.. 

The first diagnostic view from Pangomish was for Clarice, a shock. The former Colonel of the Military Forces looks sharp, out of his eyes, almost with deadly precision. The colder chills ran over Clarice. She hadn't been able to find any other clothes, in the rush and London was cold. In the moratorium it was nine degrees below zero.

In the moments of Clarice, Pangomish looked very close in the eyes of the dead body. One eye was missing and the right eyeball was full of blood. Looks like somebody has wiped out his left eye, he said; 'Lets us start first with opening the chest. The head we do after we have finished the body.

Clarice’s hands were ice-cold and she shook with her whole body. She was also very curious about these things. Could the missing eyeball, tell here more on the investigations in case 'DOTOED'?

With tremendous carefully precision, snowed Pathologist, Pangomish the first vertical incision in the chest of 'dotoed', the dead corpse on the table of the frozen section suite. Carefully came the skin open from the chest. 

A second horizontal snow flap with the scalp was enough to make 4 flaps. And the chest was open. The first view on the muscles made Clarice a frozen body. The odor of mephitis, was unbearable and she turned away. She couldn't take it anymore. Gagging, she apologized to Jack.

Crawford had his own thoughts and there was a mass injury in the chest. Several bone fracture’s Broken Bones, the ribbon’s on the right side from the chest.

The first punctuation must become analyses for further investigations. In an article published in the sidelined of an CIA classification on the epidemiologist in 1922, it was recorded that an NaCl concentration of 0.5% was optimal for the growth of V. cholera. 

In Sierakowski's opinion, the discrepancy between his findings and those of Beauverie was due to the fact that, in contrast to Beauverie, Jack Crawford had worked with Mi5 with connections inside the NSA. 

However, Kabelík & Freudmann, making comparative tests with 2% pep-tone water, ordinary broth, agar, and gelatin with a varying NaCl content (0-6%), found that no fundamental differences existed between the solid and NSA fluid, as assumed by Sierakowski. 

Like Beauverie they recommended the use of peptone water with an NaCl concentration of 3% for practical cholera laboratory work-a proposal also made more recently by Genevray & Bruneau (1938 d). 

Valuable investigations on the salt requirements of Vibrio cholera were carried out by Read et al. (1939), who mainly used an artificial concentrated sea-water solution for their tests, but also experimented with the components of this preparation (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphated, and potassium chloride) and with some other substances.

Read and his colleagues established in the course of these investigations more analyses on several subjects. Subcellular Processes; Tissues and Organs. Self-Organizing Systems; Cellular Auto and rot tomata and Lattice Gases; Chaotic Dynamics; Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems; Pattern Formation and Solitons Numerical Analysis. Critical links and nonlocal rerouting in complex supply networks.

Pangomish Hotspring; 'Oxford Os Mass Murderer. Military Forces 'DOTOED' have opened the chest. Broken Bones. Mi5, NSA fluid. Vibrio cholerae and numerical analysis. Said:´Pangomish Holsprings.

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