Bea Mother of God
Biblical Words and their Secret. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the son of God, Jesus. A male gender. But what would it have done to the world if Jesus had been a woman as the first offspring of the Father, the Holy Spirit?
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Son of God, Jesus. A male but a sex figure out of date. What would it have done to the world in the year [0]. On those days, the Romans have invented the fairy-tale of the [myth Jesus]. He shooed have being born out of the Womb of Maria?
Mary the Mother of John 1 Mark 3
Into the lectures, there are two versions.
1.2. He became born in Bethlehem
2.3. She died in Nazareth
Now let we ask a question: What would it have done to the world in the year [0] If instead of a male-gender just as Jesus never was. (There are rumours he was a hermaphrodite), had been become a Woman instead? It is possible that people, never have asked this before.
What would be here name in the first place. And second on of the first offspring of the Father, the Holy Spirit? The Mother of God is bearing children right out of the Womb not God as such. To explain this question there is more to say than words could ever explain.
However, the confession of faith as we know it today, is completely contained in the words dedicated to the faith itself. The words themselves are mentioned in the Bible, the Koran, and in the Tanakh. These were created, to describe and delineate religious beliefs. However, it is the letter by themself that provide the words with content sourraound it.
The Mother the Daughter and the Holy Spirit
Anyone who parses this sentence, into the actual value of each word, can deduce what they are actually saying. You can also discern, that these are two male figures, who shape the Holy Spirit.
O Holy Virgin MaryReligious Theology hereby falls under the grace of God under the highest form of law that exists, Constitutional Law. The pure form of Theology.
However, Jesus is not named in constitutional law because church and state are strictly separated. However, Jesus does exist by the grace of God. In that capacity, Jesus is recognized within the religious interface of faith.
If we go back in time before Jesus was born, we arrive at the creation of God himself. After all, it was he who brought Adam and Eve into the world. A male and a female gender that was created in the cradle of our current civilization.
The life that was created by God posed and continues to pose many tests in the lives of anyone who wishes to do justice to the creed upon which it is based. For many it is the cornerstone of life. The life that was given form in the Form of Adam and Eve. Here too, however, it is the letters themselves that provide the words with content.
If we go back to Jesus and ask who he actually is, Jesus is spoken of as the son of the creator in a number of places in the Bible. However, Genesis 6 speaks of sons of God, which in those text passages indicates that they are in direct contact with God the Creator or live according to God's principles.
Where that is not the case, they are certainly not called sons of God but sons of the devil. That these sons of the devil actually exist, Jesus showed in John 8:44 where He says to His enemies:
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father. And whoever has the devil as “father” is a “son” of the devil. This shows that these people are guided by Satan in their actions and conduct, and live according to his principles.
Guten abend lieber leute,
Mein Name ist Annette Gerlach.
Sie haben am ARTE Witze TV eingeschaltet. Alles in allem eine besondere Koproduktion mit den Niederländern, im Besonderen mit dem NOS. Weihnachtsgeschichte der Neugeborenen, mit dem Wissen, dass Jesus nicht allein geboren ist. Da er von Gott, dem Allmächtigen, erschaffen wurde.
Aus diesem Text können wir schließen, dass es mehr Söhne Gottes gibt als Jesus allein. Immerhin sagt Jesus im Johannes 5 19-47;
*21 Denn wie der Vater die Toten auferweckt und lebendig macht, so macht auch der Sohn lebendig, wen er will.
Das beweist, dass Jesus lebt. Deshalb ist er immer bei uns. Jesus sagt viel mehr in Johannes, einschließlich des folgenden Satzes; „Wundere dich nicht darüber: Es kommt die Stunde, in der alle, die im Grab sind, seine Stimme hören werden
*29 und wird herauskommen; diejenigen, die Gutes getan haben, werden zum Leben auferstehen, diejenigen, die Böses getan haben, werden auferstehen, um verurteilt zu werden.
*30 Ich tue nichts aus eigener Kraft, ich urteile nach dem, was ich höre, und das Urteil, das ich spreche, ist gerecht, denn nicht mein eigener Wille leite mich, sondern nur der Wille dessen, der mich gesandt hat.
Es gibt noch mehr Missionare unter uns die von Gott dem Allmächtigen gesandt wurden. Der lieber Bernd ist er da eine Von. Aber nicht Jesus selbst.
Jezus Wa da immer unter uns. Wie der heiligen Christus Die wir am Weihnachtsfeier erinnern. Es war nicht in die Stadt in Galiläa, da ist er nicht geboren. Jezus er is erstorben. Und da was Nazareth geboren.
In den Vorlesungen gibt es 2 Versionen.
- 4. 2. Fraulein wurde irgenwo am Bethlehem geboren
- 8. 3. Er erstarb im Nazaretht Nach Lourdes erscheinung
Geboren aus dem Heiligen Schoß Marias, nachdem sie von Joseph, einem Zimmermann, der aus dem Hause Davids stammte und empfangen wurden war. Immerhin war es der Engel Gabriel der sechs Monate vor der Geburt die Schwangerschaft ankündigte.
Es wurde auch gesagt: Wer befahl Maria, dem zukünftigen Sohn den Namen Jesus zu geben? Missionare unter uns die von Gott dem Allmächtigen gesandt wurden.
Mary the Mother of John1 & Mark 3
Doctrine of Mary's Glorification as the Object of Worship and Her Function as Intercessor. (1) The name Mary occurs in 51 passages of the New Testament to which the following group of articles is confined (see MIRIAM )
Mary appears in the following passages: the Infancy narratives, Matthew 1,2; Luke 1,2; the wedding at Cana of Galilee, John 2:1-11; the episode of Matthew 12:46; Mark 3:21 , Mark 3:31 ff; the incident at the cross, John 19:25 ff; the scene in the upper chamber, Acts 1:14 .

In den Vorlesungen gibt es 2 Versionen.
- 5. 2. Er wurde irgenwo am Nazaretht geboren
- 4. 7. Er erstarb im Bethlem nach Lourdes erscheinung
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